Siglario terminologie

A.A.R. Against All Risks
A.F. Advanced Freight
A/S After Sight, Alongside
AA Always Afloat
AAAA Always Afloat Always Accessible
AD.VAL. Ad Valorem – According To Value
ADCOM Address Commission
AGW All Going Well
APS Arrival Pilot Station
ASPW Any Safe Port In The World
ATDNSHINC Any Time Day/Night Sundays And Holidays Included
B S S 1/1 Basis 1 Port To 1 Port
B.V. Bureau Veritas
B.V. Bonded Warhouse
B/L Bill Of Lading
B/L MIN Bill Of Lading Minimum
BAF Bunker Adjusting Factor (Freight)
BBB Before Breaking Bulk
BDLS Bundels
BENDS Both Ends ( Load And Discharge Ports)
BI Both Inclusive.
BIMCO The Baltic And International Maritime Council
BKGE Brokerage
BOB Bunker On Board.
BRL Barrel
BROB Bunkers Remaining On Board.
BT Berth Terms.
BTH Berth
BXS Boxes
C.S. Congestion Surcharge
C.Y. Container Yoard
C/P (CP) Charterparty.
CAD Cash Against Documents
CAF Currency Adjusting Factor (Freight)
CAN Cancelling
CBM Cubic Meter
CFR Cost And Freight
CFT Cubic Feet.
CH.FWD. Charges Forward
CH.PPD. Charges Prepaid
CHOPT Charterer’s Option
CIF Costs Insurance And Freight
CIP Carriage And Insurance Paid To…..
CLS Clauses
COD Cash On Delivery
COGSA Carriage Of Goods By Sea Act.
CPD Charterers Pay Dues
CPT Carriage Paid To
CR Current Rate
CUFT (or CFT) Cubicfeet
D.F. Dead Freight
D.W. Dead Weight
D.W.A.T. Dead Weight All Told
D.W.C.C. Dead Weight Cargo Capacity
D.W.C.T. Dead Weight Cargo Tons
D/A Disbursement Account
DAF Delivered At Frontier
DAP Days All Purposes (Total Days For Loading And Disch.).
DDP/(U) Delivered Duty Paid (Unpaid)
DEM Demurrage
DEQ Delivered Ex Quay
DES Delivered Ex Ship
DESP Despatch
DEST Destination
DFT Draft
DHDATSBE Despatch Half Demurrage On All Time Saved Both Ends.
DHDWTSBE Detpatch Half Demurrage On Working Time Saved Both Ends.
DK Deck
DWT Dead Weight Tonnage
EIU Even If Used.
ENCL. Enclosed
EQPT. Equipment
EST Estimated
ETA Expected Time Of Arrival.
ETC Expected Time Of Completion.
ETD Expected Time Of Departure.
ETS Expected Time Of Sailing.
EXW Ex Works
F.A.A. Free Of All Average
F.A.V. First Available Vessel
F.B.L. Fiata Combined Transport Bill Of Lading
F.C.L. Full Container Load
F.C.R. Forwarder’s Certificate Of Receipt
F.DESP (FD) Free Despatch.
F.G.A. Free Of General Average
F.I. Free In
F.I.A.T.A. Federation Internationalde Transitaires Et Assimilés
F.I.B. Free Into Barge
F.I.O.L. Free In And Out And Lashed
F.I.O.S. Free In And Out And Stowed
F.O.B.S. Free On Bord And Stowed
F.O.B.T. Free On Bord And Trimmed
F.P.A. Free Of Particular Average
FAC Fast As Can.
FAS Free Alongside Ship
FCA Free Carrier
FCL/LCL Full Container Load/Less Than Container Load
FDD Freight Demurrage Deadfreight
FHEX Friday Holidays Excluded. (Muslim Countries)
FHINC Friday Holidays Included. (Muslim Countries)
FIO Free In And Out.
FIOST Free In And Out Stowed And Trimmed.
FIOT Free In And Out Trimmed.
FIT Free In Trimmed.
FIW Free In Wagon
FMC Federal Maritime Commission.
FMS Fathoms
FO Free Out
FO (IFO) Fuel Oil/Intermediate Fo.
FOB Free On Board
FOG For Our Guidance.
FOQ Free On Quay
FOR Free On Rail
FOT Free On Truck
FOW First Open Water
FRT Freight
FRT.FWD. Freight Forwarded
FRT.PPD. Freight Prepaid
FWAD Fresh Water Arrival Draft.
FWDD Fresh Water Departure Draft.
FYG For Your Guidance.
FYI For Your Information.
G.C. General Cargo
G.C.R. General Cargo Rate
GA General Average
GASBEND Good And Safe (Port) Both Ends.
GENCON Uniform General Charter
GLESS Gearless
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress Safety System
GO Gas Oil.
GR Grain
GRD Geared
H.D. Harbour Dues
HA Hatch
HBF Harmless Bulk Fertilizer.
HDLTSBENDS Half Despatch Lay Time Saved Both Ends
HDWTS Half Demurrage Weather Time Saved
HO Hold
HW High Water
I.A.T.A. International Association Air Transport
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Code.
IMO International Maritime Organisation.
IN. Inch
INCL. Included, Inclusive
IU If Used
IUHTAUTC If Used, Half Time Actually To Count.
KN. Knot
L.C.L. Less Than Container Load
L.O.A. Lenght Overall
L.S. Lump Sum.
L.T. Liner Terms.
L/C Letter Of Credit
LAT Latitude
LAYCAN Layday Cancelling Date.
LCR Lowest Current Rate
LO.LO. Lift-On/Lift-Off
LOI Letter Of Indemnity.
LOW Last Open Water
LSD Lashed Secured Dunnage.
LT Long Ton
LW Low Water
M.DK. Main Deck
MB Merchant Broker
MDO (DO) Marine Diesel Oil.
MED. Medium
MIN/MAX Minimum/Maximum (Cargo Quantity).
MKT. Market
MOLCHOP More Or Less Charterers Option.
MOLOO More Or Less Owners (Masters) Option.
MORT. Mortgage
MT Metric Ton
N.B. Note Well
N.D.W. Net Dead Weight
N.O.R.A. Notice Of Readiness Accepted
N.O.R.T. Notice Of Readiness Tendered
N.O.R.T.A. Notice Of Readiness Tendered And Accepted
NAABSA Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground.
NO. Number
NOR Notice Of Readiness.
O.A. Over All
O.R. Owner’s Risk
O.T. Overtime
OO Owners Option
OPT. Optional
OSH Open Shelter Deck
OT On Truck
P.O.B. Post Office Box
P/A Particular Average
PANDI CLUB Protection And Indemnity Club
PDPR Per Day Pro-Rated
PHPD Per Hatch Per Day
PKG Package
PWWD Per Weather Working Day
QLTY Quality
QTY Quantity
R.D. Running Days
RNR Rate Not Reported
RO/RO Roll On/Roll Of
ROB Remaining On Board.
S.S. Short Shipped
S/A Subject Approval
SATAFEX Sunday Afternoon Excluded
SB Safe Berth.
SELFD Selfdischarger
SHEX Sundays, Holidays Excluded.
SHINC Sundays, Holidays Included.
SID Single Deck
SOF Statement Of Facts.
SOM Swedish Official Measure
SP Safe Ports.
SSHEX Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded.
SSHINC Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included.
ST Short Tons.
STEM Subject To Enough Merchandise.
SWAD Salt Water Arrival Draft.
SWDD Salt Water Departure Draft.
TBN To Be Named
TC ( T/C) Time Charter.
TCP Time Charter Party.
TEU Twenty Equivalent Unit
THRU B/L Through Bill Of Lading
TL Total Loss
TOP Taking Outbound Pilot.
USC Unless Sooner Commenced.
UU Unless Used.
UUIWCTAUTC Unless Used In Which Case Time Actually Used To Count.
VAL Value
W.B. Water Bellast
W.D.W.P. Working Days Weather Permitting
W.P. Weather Permitting
W.P.A. With Particular Average
W.W.D.SHEX Weather Working Days Shex
W/M Weight/Misure
WCCON Whether Custom Cleared Or Not.
WHF. Wharf
WHSE Warehouse
WIBON Whether In Berth Or Not.
WIFPON Whether In Free Praqtique Or Not.
WIPON Whether In Port Or Not.
WOG Without Guarantee.
Working Copy (Copy Of Charter Party – Not Being Signed And May Contain Unchecked Errors.
WP Weather Permitting.
WT Weight
WWD Weather Working Days.
WWR When, Where Ready.
WWWW Wibon Wccon Wifpon Wipon.
YAR York Antwerp Rules
YD Yard
Z.T. Zone Time

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